Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cat Talk

Hey...there is something watching you...I think it's below----v

Well, that's Boots. So don't be afraid. It's Molly you have to worry about. -----v

Look at her. Showing off her claws. She can get evil.

      Boots and Molly are the only two cats that are around. It's weird because back in the day..we had 23...and a half. There was an extra kitten. (a few of my favorites are on the side.)  Now don't freak out about 23 cats, they weren't at my house. You see, grandmothers like to have that many. And eventually there was to many and they had to take them all to the pound. They got rid of all the ones on the side. The only ones they kept were my cats, Leon and Boots. A little note, Jolly Molly lived at MY house, not my grandparents. 

Gemini and Toby (twins)
     I love cats. I am a cat person. I love it when they are so small and cute. But then...they get older and...evil. Most of the 
23 cats loved me. There were a few social outcasts. But they was one that really just didn't like me. Her name...was Cookie. A year after we got rid of all the other cats, this one wondered onto the patio at my g-parents. I made a video about it. She was a normal wonderful cat. Then...she started to change. I made video about that, too. And then...she snapped. I made a 14 minute video about that situation, but here's what happened. She attacked me....three three times. I only say two times in the video, but she did attack me again after that video was made. And that day, my g-ma was told to go to the nursing home to live. And after that, my brother and his family moved in and they throw Cookie out...literally. She hung around after that for a awhile and then disappeared. 

      Anyways, that was the only cat I hated. But then, there was a cat that fascinated me. Here's the back story. Back in 2007, I noticed this cat. Now, all the other cats where gone. And so, it was boring up there. Whenever there was a new cat...I stalked it. And there a few stays that would come and go...but this one stuck around. And since I had nothing else to do at my g-parents, I focused completely on his. I even made a show all about me tracking and watching him. It even had seasons!! 

Cupid (I called him Qubert)
       I know they aren't the best videos out there, but it was a hobby and I was having fun. All I did in season one was watch him. I called him "Bootsy's Father" because he looked and acted just like my cat Boots. Then, in season two, I did even more. I tried to catch him and in the process, I found out that he lived in the neighbors barn and I also gave him a name. I wanted a name that wouldn't go with a cat. A name that sounded old because that's how he looked....Phil. HA! That's what I picked! Anyways, the show continue into a season three. And in that season, I fulfilled my goal. I caught him...three times. Well, the first and second time I didn't do anything, my g-ma did. She bought him in to feed him. He loved her and my g-pa, but he always ran away from me. However!! The third time, that was me. Now really. I asked her to try to get him in again. But it was still my plan!!! Moving on, season three was also the last. 

     Half way through, my g-pa wasput in the nursing home after a medical issue. And then, in the HOUR LONG series finale, my g-ma went in to. She was the reason I went up there.The show was a side thing. Once she left, there was no one up there, and so there was no reason to go up there. And so, I ended the show. I thought I was never going up there again. But then my brother and his family moved in and I went up there to stay some nights. But that was a month or two later and it wasn't the same. I saw him once. They saw him a few times. He just left during that period of nobody. And my brother never feed him so he had no reason to come back. I haven't seen him in seven months. And now my brother's family has moved out and no ones goes up there at all.  It's kind-of a sad story, but it happens. The good news that I got out of all of that is hat I was able to take my Boots home.

Mittens (Boot's daughter)
Remember my Boots! That first cat you saw when you read this. The top picture!! That's my Boots. She was the first cat I ever had. There was a litter of three and the other were picked so, I was stuck with her. But it's ok. She's the only one left out of that litter. Because one ran away and my brother had to get rid of his because she was being bad. My Boots isn't bad!! Most of the time... Now it's just her and Jolly Molly. I didn't really talk that much about her. Molly is my sister cat. She used to not like me, but now we are getting along great. I don't know what else to say about her. She doesn't do anything except eat, sleep, and be annoying. That's all that Boot's does too. Cat can be very lazy! Well, that's all I have to say right now. Those were just a few experiences that I have had with cats. 
There are a bunch more that I can't remember...

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