Friday, March 7, 2014

Update Blog... Update | 3-7-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Friday, March 7th, 2014- I WIN! For a few months now, I have this issue where and video that wasn't from my new camera would have in a square. It really hurt my videos. I couldn't do more that one camera at one time or even use a different camera. I'm going through my old storm videos and it wasn't doing this before, then it started randomly. Now, I'm going through and finishing my old storm videos from 2013. And I used more than one camera because it didn't have an issue. Those videos look bad now. BUT!!! NOT ANYMORE!!! I FIXED IT! I heavily have been looking into the issue. I tried many different things. And it all keeps coming back to the codecs. Codecs are files that help a computer recognize and run a file type. I have a lot on this computer to met my random needs. So I have been avoiding having to do through them all and turn them off and then back on one by one to find the bad one. After 14 saved videos, I found it. It was just one codec. I also found out that I don't need any of them. I just need one that help recognized the video format from the new camera. So, I could have them all off but that one. But just in case, I turned them all on but the one bad one. It worked. I turned the bad one on, it saved in a square. I turned it off again, it saved fine. I checked all the video formats from all my camera, and they worked. I turned on the codec, they were square. I was happy. I FOUND IT AND FIXED IT! I'm happy....I'm really happy. As happy as when I made the tabbed video menu. Working on my sites and my videos make happy and now that the issue is out of the way, I can go back to doing them even better! Here's the test video to prove everything!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Picture 276

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Update Blog... Update | 3-3-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Monday, March 3rd, 2014- I have been busy. :-) Just trying to do things other than sitting in front of the computer or playing some PS3. That's where the update video comes in. It actually wasn't suppose to be one. I was making the first 2014 Storm video and I was telling what's new for this year. And then I just went on a trail that turned the video into an update video. So, because I don't have time to make an new one, I'll just upload that one. I'm just trying to get things worked out and get on with my life. Anyways, the other thing is the Site Update. The round-up of last the month went up today too. Most of those things happened just a week ago. :-P Well, that's all I can think of saying. Thinks are going slow, but at least they are going.


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2014 MONTHS" menu.
V.19- This one's a small but big one again. There's not really much I can do. I'm running out of new ideas that would help my sites. I'll keep trying. Anyways, let's move on to the update details:
  • The Tabbed Video Menu...
    • On Mine and The Father's video pages, I have something I have wanted for a while. Ever since I had the video pages, I knew that the players would get full.

Picture 275

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, this picture goes along with the on going series about my Boots. It's 8:30 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Picture 274

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 16:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Picture 273

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blogAlso, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 24:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Picture 272

On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Update Blog... Update | 2-2-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Sunday, February 2nd, 2014- I have been so busy. Things are getting into order, but you can't tell in the update video. I keep getting distracted with life and doing things. Which is good. I can't think of more to say. I'm stuck in this blah mood and don't feel like doing anything. :-P

Thursday, January 30, 2014


CLICK HERE to go back to the past changes "2014 MONTHS" menu.
V.18.5- This is just a little update. Loads of little adjustments everywhere. The biggest thing isn't even on the sites anymore. Here's what I did:
  • The new Christmas lights and snow code!
    • I know what you're thinking. "What lights and snow?" Well, for a while I wanted something simple. Just a that turns the snow on, and off. Simple. I researched from day one. Never found an answer. Well, after taking the codes down, I wanted to rename the codes to group them together. Lights went from just "lights.js" to "christmaslights.js" and the snow went from "snowstorm.js" to "christmassnow.js". Then I got to thinking, maybe I was looking in the wrong way. Snowstorm.js is the original name....maybe I should search that. Before I was search how to change codes or load .js files. So, I searched how to turn snowstorm.js on and off with a button. And the first link had the solution. IT WAS IN THE CODE ITSELF!! If I would have just studied the code I would have seen "this.toggleSnow = function() {" The "this" part would be snowStorm from the rest of the code. And if you put that into a button since it's a function "onclick="snowStorm.toggleSnow();" IT WORKS! I was happy and mad at the same time. But that wasn't all...I WANTED MORE! I studied the code and started to understand how java works. I had the idea of have an alert box popping up warning about what the snow effect does to computers. It's the main reason for the button. So, I tinkered and messed around. I already had alert box codes from various things on my sites, so I took one, raw, pure JS code. I looked and saw similarities. I keep messing around. I had it alert you when it was going to start. You click OK and it goes. But if you hit still went. I had to keep trying. After two full days, I GOT IT RIGHT! You click the button, it alerts you, you click OK it starts, you click CANCEL, it doesn't. But there's more, I figured out how to make it do that ONLY when it turns on. And when you start it the FIRST time, it'll jump to the top of the page. Or else you won't see it start. But only the first time. AMAZING! I had in issue that whenever you hit the button, the alert popped up. So, after so long, I have what I wanted. There is a glitch that if you turn it on, then off, then on again, if you hit cancel, you'll have to click the button twice in order to get the alert to pop up again. I can't seem to get that to work right. It works, but you have to push it twice. I don't know why. It's no big deal. 
    • Well, that was a long story. Too bad it was after I took it all off the sites. I was starting to hate it because it was impacting my sites. I tried loading my blog on my little laptop and it almost crashed from the snow. It ran really slow. Anyways, I guess that means next year will be even better! I can put snow on the MAIN SITE! FINALLY!
  • New site widths.
    • I finally figured out how to make my sites adjust to screen sizes. I don't know why I couldn't figure it out. It was simple. Now, if you zoom out the page does with you. However, if you go too far in, it'll stop at the width it was first set at. The default one all my sites go by to fit in my laptops screen. I'll have to go through each site and change other things around to auto adjust as well. Like the text on top of the Site Changes...Site. I made it centered. Just little details to make it all look better.
  • The Membership Site.
    • The Membership site has been dead for a while. The reason is I can't edit it. Webs site builder won't load for me. I'm working on the issue. But I found out that I can still get to the sidebar and other pages. The only pages I can work on are app pages like the forum and the member's page and from there, I can get to the sidebar. The home page is a normal page and it won't load those. It's the only normal page there. Anyways, now that I found a way to work on some of it, I will. I already updated the floating things and combined the codes into the copyright section. I feel like this could be the comeback it needed. I'll keep working on it. I need to take my time and plan things out. Maybe it'll finally get its own favicon and have it be put in the row with the others at the bottom of the sites.
Now that was the only big news. The rest are the little things.
    • Some new links on the Back-Up Site.
      • I added some quick links to the header of the Back-Up Site. Just ones that got to the main things. My Picture, My Blogs, and other things.
      • I wanted to add the hover menu that's in the hover warnings, but they wouldn't work right. I don't know why.
    • New Profile quick links.
      • In the sidebar on all sites, I have some normal quick links to my profiles. They are the same as the floating ones, but normal. Now I have two sections of profile quick links. The reason is because I disabled a part of the floating ones. The mobile part. When you are on a tablet, a phone or on a small computer screen, the floating profile links would go to the bottom and fill up the bottom of the screen. I noticed that it was blocking the Christmas lights and the Back-to-Top arrow. So, I just turned it off. But when they are off they go away when you view them under those circumstances. Thus, I added more if they go away.
    • Updated the RSS feeds.
      • In the floating profile links and the ones in the sidebar I have an RSS feed button. Well, when I coded them and added them to all the sites, I forgot to change the feed links. They were all set to the main site. So, I fixed them.
      • I added Google Translate into the sidebars on sites that didn't have one. Just in case.
    • New Mobile Links.
      • On all the sites, I made sure there was a mobile link as well. Just goes to the mobile version of any site. I did update the links though. I just used ?m=1 all alone. Before I had it link to the home page. But with just the ?m=1, it'll change on whatever page you are on.
    • Site Map Update.
      • I updated the Site Map. I forgot to do it for the New Year's update. I also to out some things. Like extra video links and players.
    • Updates to the Main Blog.
      • On my blog, I do this thing where I let you compare two images by hovering of one image and it changes to the other. It was the same thing I used for the Main Site's banner. Well, I revamped it for my 100th post. Before, I could only do one image changer on the page. I show you why and explain more in the 100th post. Now, with this update, I can do as many as I want. FUN!
      • Oh, and there was a glitch where the bottom scroll bar on the blog came back again. I have an issue before where it would go away! Have you notices none of my sites have bottom bars. I don't know why. There is a certain width they conform to and that's the standard I go by. Anyways, I fixed it before and then it just came back. All I did was change the main width from 1010 to 1009...JUST ONE PIXEL!! :-P
        • But, after I did all this, I figured out the auto adjusting width. Now, it doesn't matter. Unless you zoom in to much.
    • Lastly, behind the scenes things.
      • On Webs, I have a BOAT LOAD of codes stored. It seems to be the only place I can get the direct code links that work. I tried other places. I don't like Webs sometimes. And if they go down, everything goes down. I can't even work on the Membership site. They're site editor is broken for me. That's why the site is so out of date and not touched. Well, I organized my codes. I had a lot of unused or testing ones. So, I moved them to their own place. I might do some more organizing of the main codes. But that means updating ALL the URL's on my sites. If I move something to a folder, the folder name does in the URL before the code's name. Right now they are just the code's name. I'll have to add the folder. I'll think about it.
      • And then I did my usual fine tuning everywhere. Fixing typos and things. I haven't been testing anything new on the test site. I don't know what else to add. I'm getting to point where the sites are perfect and I can't add anything new that will make it more perfect. I know they aren't perfect though. I'm working on it. I would like to add the video player...changer....thing at the bottom of the test site, above the menu. It's cool. I just need it to play playlist. I can't figure it out. :-\
      OK! Well, that's all I think. This was a pretty small update. Just little things. It's getting to that point of "I can't add anything new." It's all perfect, but not perfect. Still some tuning. That's all I can think of, see you next month!

          Wednesday, January 29, 2014

          Picture 271

          On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

          Thursday, January 23, 2014

          Update Blog... Update | 1-23-14

          This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
          Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 at 7:40 P.M.- It's been a while since I update blogged...update blogged? I was updating about the last snow storm + the cold blast and then I went silent. Some things happened. I don't want to get into to many details. It's family things. Just the flu and a hospital. It wasn't me that was sick though. Anyways, we are in another snow storm again! It's just a quick lake effect band of snow, but it has the most snow I have seen. We have had two inches in 40 minutes. I would take more video but it's at night right now. But it's really falling. I can't see the church or the two group of trees in the front of the apartments. I should stop in a little bit. It's just a quick shifting band. It's been sitting on Gary IN. all day. We'll see how it is tomorrow. It's suppose to snow for a while. Like three days. :-P And it's getting cold again. In the 0's. More to come tomorrow.

          Wednesday, January 22, 2014

          Picture 270

          On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.

          Wednesday, January 15, 2014

          Picture 269

          On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

          Wednesday, January 8, 2014

          Picture 268

          On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog.

          Update Blog... Update | 1-6-14

          This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
          Monday, January 6th, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.-'s cold. Right now we are at -11°F FEELS LIKE -37°F. That was copy pasted straight from And that's not the coldest. It's supposed to get to -13 and -40. I went out in it this morning when it was -6/-25. It wasn't bad, but I stayed on my patio that was blocking the wind. However, my fingers did start to freeze. So, I ran inside. I took some pictures + videos and that was it. More to come.

          Sunday, January 5, 2014

          Update Blog... Update | 1-5-14

          This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
          Sunday, January 5th, 2014- It's snowing like crazy! It started early and has been going alllll night and day. We are suppose to get a whole foot, maybe more! 
          Here's a picture...
          I also made the same picture with a  blue tint. It looks better than this. The snow isn't flaky. It compacts nicely. So, that means it's sticks better. That means everything has a pile of snow on it. Even the smallest of branches.It looks epic. I have been recording video all day and exploring this Winter Wonderland. Just wait until tomorrow. We have a high of 1... That's better. Earlier it was -5 and then the next day was 0 with a low of 0. It's getting warmer. The forecast still says we are going to be in the -7 through -15 range. Stay tuned for more info.

          Update Blog... Update | 1-3-14

          This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
          Thursday, January 3rd, 2014- It's a new year! Time to test out the new Update Blog. Well, it's not new...just the way I'll post updates. No more long never ending posts that cover a whole month. I set it up so that all I do is just post an update by day now and still have it be organized in the menu and every else by using the month archive links in the sidebar. Now all my sites work that way. It's nice. Anyways...moving on. Today I made the update video for January. HERE IT IS. This is the year where I try to do things. Get a job and move out. I cover it all in the update video, that's why it's so long. I need to hurry up and edit my 2013 storm videos so I'm not a year behind again. Things will get better.

          Wednesday, January 1, 2014

          Picture 267

          On my official blog, I made a post about the making of one of the POTW's. Now, instead of flooding the main site with the same picture everywhere, I'll just keep the post over there. CLICK HERE to see it. I'll be doing loads of "Making of's" and they'll only be posted on my blog. Also, there is a BTS video made for the new picture. It's 11:00 in length. You can CLICK HERE to see the video or click the thumbnail below. The video player messes with the menu or else I would embed the video.