This site was created to be a replacement site whenever my main site went down. I'll link my posts and things into here so you still up to date on things. This place is just going to stay super simple. I can't really add anything else. It'll just have my posts. If you want, you can still check in on the broken main site by going to
During the time of not being used, this site will go out of date. But when it is needed, I'll upload all the posts from the main site in a millisecond and it's up to date again. Not that hard.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HELP | The Bottom Bar

Just so you know, this doesn't relate to the new bottom bar that's down below. This was a different one.
So, I FINALLY did some research into why the bottom bar disappeared. Well...GUESS WHAT!!! I figured it out. And like always, it's the host site's fault. In this case, Meebo. This always happens to me. They did the same things with their chatrooms. Which I used of course. It's like they know. When I add cool functioning thing to the site, and I completely rely on the Host site, the code makers. And when thing go wrong, I get to pay for it. Whenever a company decides to do something new...I pay for it. I need to stop relying on other people and worry about myself. That's why most of the things on the site are codes from free places, like Dynamic Drive. Where I got the menu. And that what most of my stuff is. Free things that can run on their own. However, like the menu, I have to have the special .JS and .CSS codes stored somewhere that can access them as direct links. That's where Webs comes in. There are some things that can run on their own, but mostly everything has to have an external code. I try to make sure that doesn't happen because, I have had problems with Webs too. That's where the Back Up Site comes in. That show how many codes are on Webs and how much I need them to keep running. I'll be back down to nothing. Webs is my last place that I really need. OH!! and AddThis for all the share buttons. Maybe I need to start finding other ways to have the codes. So I can be in control of everything. Because I like that. :-) I'm sad now. I loved that bottom bar. You can tell in the Site Layout Video. It was so cool. :'( Anyways, that's my rant. I'm just tired of being let down.
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