This site was created to be a replacement site whenever my main site went down. I'll link my posts and things into here so you still up to date on things. This place is just going to stay super simple. I can't really add anything else. It'll just have my posts. If you want, you can still check in on the broken main site by going to
During the time of not being used, this site will go out of date. But when it is needed, I'll upload all the posts from the main site in a millisecond and it's up to date again. Not that hard.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


So...on the lovely morning of November 15th, I opened up Facebook and found that I was blocked from it. :-) 
Happy day. That's why I have been MIA for a bit over there. 
But, I was still posting everywhere else. It didn't say why, just that I'm was blocked for a few days.
I could still look at things like so...
But if I would try to post something, or Like, or comment, I got this.
And I was like this...
RAGE!!! I couldn't even say I was blocked. Like, WHA UP WIT DAT!!!
Anyways, "a few days" turned out to be 2..or 3. I wasn't counting.
I'm not to mad about it. I's just Facebook.
But still, I got people who like my picture on Facebook.
And they couldn't see them...unless they went to my website.
I was raging a bit. Like, Why...WWWWHHHHYYYYY!!!!!!
Maybe it's was a sign!! Or a test. Seeing what I  would do with it.
You want to now what I did...I killed a bunch of bad guys in AC3.
.....Or any game that's in the PlayStation...that's violent...
It helps me get out the rage. 
Anyways...I'm back now. I now I have to upload all the days that I'm behind.
Which is four. But I might just wait until tomorrow. Making it five.
I would have been back sooner, but I was to busy having fun.
Which was babysitting/watching TV/laying on the couch/being lazy.
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