This site was created to be a replacement site whenever my main site went down. I'll link my posts and things into here so you still up to date on things. This place is just going to stay super simple. I can't really add anything else. It'll just have my posts. If you want, you can still check in on the broken main site by going to
During the time of not being used, this site will go out of date. But when it is needed, I'll upload all the posts from the main site in a millisecond and it's up to date again. Not that hard.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Update Blog...Update-11-4-13

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Monday, November 4th, 2013- Today, my main site went over 10,000 views. And my blog went over 3,000. Of course, that's not a lot, and it has been four years. This is not including the old site though. When I made the new Main Site in 2010, I did it in a way that I lost all the views from the old Main Site. I learned a new way to update things and keep the views when I re-vamped my blog. Instead of creating a new site, building it, and then launch it by re-naming the old site URL to something else and then naming the new site to the old's, I just created a temp site with the old URL, named the old something else, and then re-built it. After all that, I name it back to the original URL and the temp site is deleted. That way, I keep my old views. But, I didn't think that through. So, I would have an extra 232 views....which isn't that much neither. Weird. I didn't know my old main didn't get that much. So...yeah, this was a crazy rabbit trail post. I just want to say thanks. Looking at where the view are coming from, I see they are from Stumble Upon or other places that you click a button and you get a random site. They aren't coming from my blog, or my YouTube channel. Hmmm...weird.
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