This site was created to be a replacement site whenever my main site went down. I'll link my posts and things into here so you still up to date on things. This place is just going to stay super simple. I can't really add anything else. It'll just have my posts. If you want, you can still check in on the broken main site by going to
During the time of not being used, this site will go out of date. But when it is needed, I'll upload all the posts from the main site in a millisecond and it's up to date again. Not that hard.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

HELP | Bug Report

Is there a weird bug or glitch that you came across? DON'T WORRY! It happens a lot on my sites. They run off of some crazy, yet sensitive, codes. Anyways, feel free to email me at But there is an easier way to report bugs. At the bottom of the side bar is a contact form that let's you send me a direct message. It's always there for you. However, since your here, I'll put it below too. You'll need a valid email address and that's it. Just type it in and then in the message, explain what the issue is in detail. Now, things might be wrong on your in, though. Just refreshing the page fixes some things or changing your browser settings. I explain more on the HELP PAGEHere's the cool thing, I can reply back to you with the email you gave and give some info about the issue. Thanks if you did report anything. Your really helping me since I'm doing this all by myself. If your a smart coding person, maybe you can help. Type that in the message as well, and we'll talk. And if you feel link I'm secretly stealing your info with your email, HERE is what the email I get looks like. A very simple message. The only info I get, is what you give and agree to give by hitting send.


Email *

Message *

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