This site was created to be a replacement site whenever my main site went down. I'll link my posts and things into here so you still up to date on things. This place is just going to stay super simple. I can't really add anything else. It'll just have my posts. If you want, you can still check in on the broken main site by going to
During the time of not being used, this site will go out of date. But when it is needed, I'll upload all the posts from the main site in a millisecond and it's up to date again. Not that hard.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Update Blog... Update | 3-7-14

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Friday, March 7th, 2014- I WIN! For a few months now, I have this issue where and video that wasn't from my new camera would have in a square. It really hurt my videos. I couldn't do more that one camera at one time or even use a different camera. I'm going through my old storm videos and it wasn't doing this before, then it started randomly. Now, I'm going through and finishing my old storm videos from 2013. And I used more than one camera because it didn't have an issue. Those videos look bad now. BUT!!! NOT ANYMORE!!! I FIXED IT! I heavily have been looking into the issue. I tried many different things. And it all keeps coming back to the codecs. Codecs are files that help a computer recognize and run a file type. I have a lot on this computer to met my random needs. So I have been avoiding having to do through them all and turn them off and then back on one by one to find the bad one. After 14 saved videos, I found it. It was just one codec. I also found out that I don't need any of them. I just need one that help recognized the video format from the new camera. So, I could have them all off but that one. But just in case, I turned them all on but the one bad one. It worked. I turned the bad one on, it saved in a square. I turned it off again, it saved fine. I checked all the video formats from all my camera, and they worked. I turned on the codec, they were square. I was happy. I FOUND IT AND FIXED IT! I'm happy....I'm really happy. As happy as when I made the tabbed video menu. Working on my sites and my videos make happy and now that the issue is out of the way, I can go back to doing them even better! Here's the test video to prove everything!
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